一般社団法人 整動協会 ホーム

鍼灸師と柔整師のための鍼灸と整体の実践セミナー Seminar for Acupuncturist and Judo therapist

Japanese Español English


Skill and the humanity required for acupuncturists

July 11, 2023

The theme of this article is a consideration of "what kind of person is suitable as an acupuncturist." You...

Procedures for observing patients

July 18, 2023

This article will explain how I see patients in my clinical practice. The method varies from acupuncturist...

To elevate acupuncture to the level of an art

July 4, 2023

This article is a continuation of "The Aesthetics of Acupuncture is in subtraction. In writing this artic...

[’23 May 11] Special Lecture to the Doctor belonging in Israel Medical Association

May 19, 2023

Written by Kodai Kobori(Member of SEIDO association) The other day, Kurihara(chairman of SEIDO associat...