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鍼灸師と柔整師のための鍼灸と整体の実践セミナー Seminar for Acupuncturist and Judo therapist

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The Tension Theory(2)~One-way linkage & Two-way linkage~

This is continued from my last article (The Tension Theory(1)~Point & Line~).



I will further elaborate the tension theory of SEIDO acupuncture.

In the previous article, I explained the importance of locating two points pulling each other. On this article, I will explain the relationship between these points.

There are two kinds of pulling relations between two given points, “One-way linkage” and “Two-way linkage.”


One-way linkage

One-way linkage: A pulls B exclusively. (B never pulls A.)



If there is pain at the being pulled point B, needle the pulling point A.

This will decrease the pain at point B by releasing the pulling tension.

In this case, the pain point B is “the manifestation point,” and the pulling point A is “the cause point.”

Two-way linkage

Two-way linkage: A and B pull each other.



As A and B pull each other, a manifestation point and a cause point are interactive. A pain point would be the manifestation point, and the other point would be the cause point.

I would like to point out that this relation between A and B is different from the relation between muscle origin and insertion (They are not necessary on one muscle).

This relation was found by “observing motions,” not from anatomical interpretations.



For example, it is possible to release lower back tension by using an acupuncture point on thigh.

This is possible because the tension is generated between distant muscles.


Over limitation makes pain

Adjusting a tension, which is causing a pain by excessively limiting motions, would be equal to be able to move body comfortably.

This means a body is free to extend or contract in any case.

In order to move comfortably, adequate strength of tension is necessary.

When this strength gets too weak or too strong, a body’s motor system malfunctions.

The main cause of this problem is an excessive limitation.

An excessive limitation would create a strong tension and would lead to create subsequent tensions.

If you understand this kind of tension relation between A and B, and linkage patterns; you can release an excessive limitation by needling an appropriate pulling point.

Moreover, being able to solve the subsequent problems (such as point C, D, and so on.) at the same time (as point A and B) is the practical application of acupuncture points based on the linkage system.



There are two kinds of pulling relations between two given points, “One-way Muscle-linkage” and “Two-way Muscle-linkage.”

If you understand the linkage system and use the acupuncture points accordingly, it is possible to recover body motions and release pain at the same time, which is difficult to do with acupuncture using local points.



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