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鍼灸師と柔整師のための鍼灸と整体の実践セミナー Seminar for Acupuncturist and Judo therapist

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The Tension Theory(3)~3 Disadvantages Of Local Acupuncture~

In the previous article, I explained that there are two kinds of pulling relations “One-way linkage” and “Two-way linkage.”

Understanding patterns of the pulling relations makes it possible to effectively stimulate acupuncture points.

By needling an excessive pulling point, it normalizes the pulling relation (the tension) and leads to recover motions and ease pain.

Then you might think of this simple question in your mind.


Why should I not needle the pain point directly (local acupuncture)?


Before answering your question, let me ask this.

Why do you want to needle the pain point directly?

Before I study SEIDO acupuncture, I used to needle pain points directly. The reason for this was that pain reduction was expected by doing so.

When someone has backache, needle his/her back. When someone complains knee pain, needle his/her knee. Needling local pain points (local acupuncture) does ease pain in some cases.

However, I had experienced many cases in which local acupuncture did not work. I bet many acupuncturists have similar experiences.

As this kind of unreliable experiences adds up, you might start to lose confidence in yourself and acupuncture.  

You might start seminar shopping in order to search for the acupuncture style that gets you back confidence.  


With SEIDO acupuncture, you rarely needle local pain points directly.

That is because causes of a symptom cannot be found at local pain points in most of cases. Moreover, SEIDO acupuncture sees that local acupuncture may do more harm than good.


3 Disadvantages of Local Acupuncture

1. There is a risk of increasing pain.

The tissue at a local pain point is hypersensitive. If acupuncture stimulation at the local pain point is too strong, the pain may increase.

It is not easy to give the optimum stimulation to a hypersensitive tissue.


2. The Expected Effect is Limited.

If you are only looking at pain reduction, you might be satisfied with local acupuncture.

However, if you only practice this way, you are missing out the true potential of acupuncture.

If local acupuncture does solve all the problems, the value of acupuncturists would be questioned. 


3. Local Acupuncture does not Approach Root Causes

There are causes for a pain. Causes may not be at a local pain point.

Actually, causes are often found at distal points. As I explained in previous articles, it is easier to understand this nature with the tension theory.

Because of these disadvantages, I do not recommend local acupuncture.


Confidence of Acupuncturists

For acupuncturists, local acupuncture is a kind of insurance.

It would imply patients that you treated what they complained.

At the same time, acupuncturists themselves can get some relief.   

“Rely on local acupuncture, when nothing works.”

I was wishing to be freed from this kind of unreliable acupuncture somedays.

With the tension theory, I can prove that causes are not at a local point with a treatment result and can explain the reason behind it.

It not only recovers patient’s body and soul, but also acupuncturist’s confidence.



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